Parents & Caregivers
A Family's Journey
Step One
Step Two
Step Three
Step Four
Learn the Signs. Act Early.
As a parent and/or caregiver, you already have what it takes to help your young child learn and grow. Watch your child’s amazing progress by tracking their developmental milestones —how they play, learn, speak, acts, and moves – and sharing that progress with your child’s doctor at every check-up.

Developmental Screening
Developmental milestones matter! How your child plays and learns is important to their growth. As a caregiver, you are vital to your child’s development. Your knowledge of your child can help you understand their development. Developmental monitoring and screening are opportunities to celebrate strengths and growth!
Family Resources
Zero to Three
Zero to Three works to ensure that babies and todlers benefit from the early connections that are critical to their well-being and development.
Safe Sleep Maine
Every year, babies in Maine die in their sleep. Many of these deaths could potentially be prevented simply by following the ABC's of Safe Sleep.
Healthy Children is a website backed by pediatricians committed to the success of optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.
Feature Box
Katie Beckett Medical Waiver Program
The Katie Beckett medical waiver is an option for children with serious health conditions. It allows access to full MaineCare benefits to individuals who may not qualify otherwise. Maine Parent Federation has developed this training to guide parents through the application process, and what to expect along the way. This training defines terms that are important to be familiar with and helpful tips for best outcomes.
Click here to access: Katie Beckett Training